We have been so busy for the past few weeks (or just this past month) that I haven't even thought about blogging. I mean, I wanted to, but life comes first, right? Here's a
little synopsis of what the Packards have been up to lately!
Visitors! It seems we've had a steady flow lately since we got the "office" switched to our bedroom and we actually have a "guest room" now. Starting with Karen, Cam, and Jac back in mid-March for a weekend-long play date, followed by my parents the next weekend for Jude's birthday (which was lots of fun and my parents helped a ton!), and most recently Pack's mom came for an overnight visit last week while traveling to Lynchburg (she took us out for dinner. and gifted me a nice solo grocery shopping trip!!!). It's been fun. I love having visitors although I'm still learning how to be a good hostess. Luckily, family is very forgiving so it's been stress free.
Traveling to SC. It's always fun going home, but that drive is surely dreaded. We've been to South Carolina a couple of times this past month. One time I just didn't want to stay by myself for that long while Pack had to be in Florence anyway, and then there was this past weekend that had been planned for a while. This past weekend was an adventure of its own...
Dirty children...the only time they stood still! |
This past weekend. If you have ever wanted to pack your weekend with as much activity as possible, then you should let me plan your schedule. I can never decide if I'd rather have one thing to do every weekend for four weeks or four things to do in one weekend. Since we don't live in Florence, we just have to pack in as much as we can in a short time frame whenever we come home. This weekend was no exception. We started with a campout on Friday night with our church (after driving straight to SC). Then we got up early, had breakfast, and headed home to mom's to clean ourselves up. I was immediately off to do some shopping for some things I would need in the afternoon. After getting settled back at mom's, she and I were off to my aunt's house for a shower we were throwing for my sister, Karen who is having her first girl (pretty much our whole family's first baby girl...we're pretty excited). We had approximately 30 minutes to set up before the shower started and it was a hit. She got some way cute things!!! We cleaned up by 5'o clock and I headed back to my mom's to pack my bag for an overnight hotel stay uptown with my sweet husband on our anniversary (most of the day I was so busy, I forgot it was even our day, but I'll devote another post exclusively to my sweet hubby later this week!!!). We ate dinner at a great new restaurant called Southern Hops and had a great night's rest in a spacious hotel room without being disturbed....ahhhhhh. Then--back to breakfast at mom's, followed by church, lunch, and then target practice with Pack's dad...oh yeah, then church one more time (
pant, pant, pant). We made it home yesterday (after a long and stressful drive to RVA) and went straight to our Small Group Bible Study. After putting the kids to bed , we both crashed by 9:30. I am SO. GLAD. TO. BE. HOME.
Carmon's Diaper cupcake ceterpiece! |
A brand new day. Back to the grind, right? Started today off with a 2 year old check-up for Jude only to have it thrown in my face that he's growing faster than the speed of light (okay, not that fast, but three and a half inches in just a few months is pretty significant). He jumped from 75th percentile in height to 95th although he's still a scrawny little thing. I swear I'd kill for his BMI... Baby Jude is turning into a boy, I guess!
There are so many things going on in my family that I have to be thankful for right now. We are really blessed and so grateful!!!! Hopefully, this month will be a little slower paced so I don't forget to take some time to breathe (I doubt it though...).