As I've mentioned before, this pregnancy was a surprise more than either of my other pregnancies. Although we wanted another baby, our "plan" was to wait until next year (2012) to really make an effort. One of my concerns early on in this pregnancy was how we would afford to get "baby things" during the most expensive time of the year (I've never had a winter baby before). We set a limit of $500 to buy everything for the baby, including a crib, dresser, and carseat, but I had my doubts knowing how expensive these things can be and also knowing that we would need to buy more than just these three things (like clothes and diapers). Even though this was our third child, almost all of our "required" baby gear was still being used by Penn and Jude, had been sold, or given away. We were starting pretty much from scratch and I was stressed about it.
One day, I realized that all the things this baby would "need," were things we already had (mommy's milk, a safe home, and a loving family). Everything else would just be considered extra. I prayed for God to provide us with some of these "extras" and He absolutely did! Every time I look at Anna's completed room, I am so thankful for the way God has shown his love for us. Sometimes, I think we feel guilty for asking God for things we consider to be "frivolous," but we forget that He is the "God of all Comfort," and "The God who Provides!" As I said in
this post, God cares about the little things too...
the extras.
In this post, I would like to share with you some of the things that He provided us with, once we let him do his thing...
(Side note: Isn't it amazing how smoothly things go when we stop trying to control everything???)
Changing Table-$30
Pack bought this from a State Sale while he was traveling with work. |
Crib and Mattress-$150
IKEA...we couldn't find a used one in good shape for this price! |
Happened upon this at a yard sale and repainted it. |
Rocking Chair-Free!
My Mother's Day present two years ago that I FINALLY repainted and found a home for:) |
The rest of the pictures are things we bought from Craigslist...our favorite resource!
Moses Basket-$30 | |
Carseat (new with tags and no recalls)-$35 |
Cloth diapers (over 80)-$220 | |
The total amount we spent to furnish the nursery was
$485 (under budget!!!) AND we have the added bonus of not needing to add disposable diapers to our shopping list when Anna arrives! Cloth diapers are a little more work, but every time I wash these diapers, I'll be thinking of how much money we're saving by not having to buy disposables. $220 is a great price for diapers for one child that will last from birth until potty training! I've also had a shower given by family where I got a bunch of cute clothes and accessories, bought some clothes on consignment, and received some way-cute hand-me-downs from Anna's cousin, Carmon! We're set!
Great job, Mom! I am totally jealous about your diaper deal!