Oh, Anna...it can't be so. The plan was for you to stay a baby forever. No teeth, no crawling, no naughty stuff...just you, me, and that sweet baby smell all wrapped up in footie pajamas forever.
That baby smell is no joke. |
Well, you have deviated from the plan. Yesterday, you turned one year old. I thought about wearing black all day to mourn the passage of the "infant" season of my life (I could seriously have babies around me forever), but truly I'm looking forward to all the fun memories ahead. Here is a little bit of what you are like at one year old.
Stop that growing, right NOW! |
One of my first observations about you when you were first born were your "crazy set of lungs." That much hasn't changed. When you are unhappy, you let the whole world know it. You WILL NOT be ignored! When your brothers start in to even give you a little squeeze, you sound the alarm at maximum volume. Baby girl, you mean business!
Being the baby is not always fun. |
Luckily, you aren't unhappy very often, and when you are, a snuggle from Mommy (or better yet, a nursing session) makes all well in the world again. And speaking of nursing, you still like that...A LOT! Considering that you've never taken to pacifiers or bottles (after steady attempts), I don't anticipate weaning in our future for quite some time. Right now, you nurse between five and eight times a day, usually for no more than five minutes or so at a time. Sometimes I get a little teary thinking about nursing not being a part of my life in the near future. It really is such a joy with you.
Bottle, shmottle...the good stuff comes straight from the tap! |
Something else that is a joy with you? Getting you dressed, brushing your hair, and (as of yesterday) painting your toenails. I love having boys, but dressing them and shopping for them isn't NEARLY as fun as it is for you. I have a feeling, this will be short lived, as one day, YOU will be the one picking out the clothes instead of me, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
In the womb, you were my biggest mover. I seriously felt you move constantly from 14 weeks on, but now that you're here, I've noticed that you are a lot more content to be still. You love me to hold you all the time (which probably explains why you are my first child who's first birthday came and went without taking steps or even standing), and you seem to be happy to crawl everywhere else. Somehow, I'm content for you to take your sweet time.
Your favorite place--in Mommy's arms. |
Even though you aren't walking yet, there is ton of stuff you ARE doing. You have the cutest little wave. You click your tongue (although you can never do it without smiling). You say Da-da (all. the. time.). You climb all of our steps. You can brush you hair. You try to put shoes and socks on your feet. You put your hands together to say prayers. You say "thank you" (actually, you say, "ang-hoo"). You know how to get attention. You definitely are a quick learner--copying every silly thing your brothers do. You feed yourself everything. You are well versed in the art of "making eyes" at people. You go to bed without crying every night (and you are definitely our best sleeper!).
Tucked in with your favorite blankie and SeaSea the Seahorse. |
My favorite moments with you are the quiet times that I rock you and nurse you before bed each night. Sometimes we read a book and sometimes I just sing to you, but I always pray for you and your future (and your brothers)...praying that God will capture your hearts at an early age and protect you from all the things that I'm afraid to even think about. You, Penn, and Jude are our treasures.
So, happy birthday, precious one. Always remember...YOU ARE SUCH A GIFT!